Monday, September 30, 2019

Critical Views of Beowulf

Beowulf Critical views †¢One of the oldest and most important remains of the Anglo-Saxon literature is the epic poem of Beowulf. Its age is unknown; but it comes from somewhere between the 7th and the 10th centuries. It is like a piece of ancient armour; rusty and battered, and yet strong. The style of the epic poem is likewise simple- perhaps one should say, austere. Beowulf is indeed the most successful Old English poem because in it the elements, language, metre, theme, structure, are all most nearly in harmony.The author seems mainly bent upon telling us how his Sea-Goth slew Grendel and the Fire-drake. †¢The poem opens with an account of forefathers of Hrothgar the Scylding, king of Danes. He is the builder of Heorot, the hall where Beowulf contends with Grendel. The poem begins with the burial of Scyld, from whom the dynasty of Scyldings take its name. In ancient days, so ran the legend, scyld when he was child, was drifted in an open boat to the shores of Danes.When coming thus out of the secret of the Sea the bark touched the land, the folk found the naked child lying asleep in the midst of arms and gems and golden treasure, took him up and hailed him king. As he came alone and mysteriously out of the sea, so he passes away alone and mysteriously into the sea, and the introduction of the poem describes his burial. With as many treasures he brought, with so many they send him away when he died. And as the poem begins with this burial, so it ends with the burial of Beowulf.His burial is nothing mythic, nothing mystic surrounding it. Beowulf, dead after his fight with the dragon, and his gray hair lying around his hair, is borne to the top of the great cliff that overlooks the sea. The cliff has its own name, Whale’s Ness. †¢The epic is divided into three chief episodes. Yet these three episodes are well wrought and well diversified. They are not repetitions, exactly; there is a change of wrestling with Grendel in the night at Heorot and the descent underwater to encounter Grendel’s mother; while the sentiment of the Dragon is different again.But the great beauty, the real value, of Beowulf is in its dignity of style. †¢The word Grendel, as Lawrence points out, can be associated with the Old English grund, i. e. ground, bottom, or watery depths that we find the lurking-place of Grendel and his mother. †¢SIMILARITY WITH OTHER WORKS: Frederick Panzer in 1910 published the results of a careful study of over 200 folk-tales which have elements of resemblance to the Grendel story. These tales with all their variations of outline have enough in common. One of these is the tale of ‘The Bear’s Son’.From the varying versions of ‘The Bear’s Son, something like a central frame, or outline, can be reconstructed. An aged king builds a hall or house which is nightly haunted by a demon. The elder sons of the king are unable to overcome the invader, but the youngest son, formerly held in little esteem, wrestles with the monster and wounds him. The fight of the demon is marked by a trail of blood. An episode follows in which the hero fights in an underground lair of monsters often against a male and a female.His victory over them, sometimes by a use of a magic sword, frees captive maidens who return to the upper world. But the hero is abandoned by faithless companions, and must without aid contrive means of escape from the monster’s home. The tale often ends with the punishment of the traitors, and the marriage of the hero with one of the rescued maidens. Similarities in this outline to the Grendel episodes of the Beowulf are, of course, general rather than precise. But it seems clear that Panzer is correct in claiming that a relationship exists.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Philosophy of Raja Yoga Essay

For many in the West, yoga is simply just a part of your workout plan, a means of strengthening the body, curing body ailments, and improving flexibility. As we review the philosophy of yoga we’ll find that it is â€Å"much more than a system of physical exercise for health, Yoga is . . . an ancient path to spiritual growth. † (Raphael) The word yoga is related to the English word yoke. A yoke is a wooden plank custom fitted on cattle to help them pull the load. The same way the yoke is unifying the cattle to the beam, yoga is the union of body, mind and spirit. (Chopra ix) We first find traces of yoga in ancient texts dating back to 500 B.  C where they speak of uniting â€Å"the light within you with the light of Brahman†. There are four main forms of yoga Gyan, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja, all which we have covered in class, but I will only go into detail about Raja yoga. It wasn’t until the work of Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras that we come to see the main philosophy of Raja yoga as it stands now. (Chopra 23) Legend has it that Patanjali’s mother, Gonnika, was praying to Lord Vishnu and that he was so moved by her devotion that Vishnu asked the cosmic serpent, Ananta, to prepare for human incarnation. A speck of Ananta’s cosmic seed fell into Gonnika’s hand, she nurtured this cosmic seed, which then soon developed into a baby boy. Quite similar to the Christian story of the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus, Gonnika named her child Patanjali from the root word pat meaning â€Å"descended from heaven† and Anjali the word for praying posture. Patanjali set up a system of eight branches of Raja each meant to get you closer to unification with Brahman, they are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. (Chapra 47) I will briefly discuss all eight branches and how it compares to some catholic beliefs. The first branch of yoga, Yama, deals with how you interact with others. These social rules include practicing nonviolence, speaking truthfully, exercising proper sexual control, and being generous. Like Christianity and all other religious traditions they encourage people to live ethical lives. The essence of Yama is to achieve, in Sanskrit, ahimsa. Mahatma Ghandi advocated this principle during the independence movement in India. Ahimsa means your whole body is in peace, your thoughts are nonviolent, and your actions are nonviolent. Ghandi was quoted on saying, â€Å" If you express your love in such a manner that impresses itself indelibly pon your so called enemy, he must return that love†¦and that requires far greater courage than delivering of blows. † (Chapra 33) The second branch, Niyama, are the rules of personal behavior. How does one live when no one is watching? What choices do you make when you’re the only witness? Niyama yoga encourages a surrender to the divine, discipline, purity and contentment. Asana is the main branch of yoga that has grown in popularity in the western world. It is the third branch of yoga and it deals with physical flexibility and tone. At the deepest level of asana you will achieve full mind-body integration. The different postures offer great benefits in balance, and strength, and when preformed continuously it can also be a great aerobic exercise, but if not done properly it may cause serious damage. Pranyama is the fourth branch of yoga, which is similar to the Christian belief of the Holy Spirit. Prana means life force. Like the Holy Spirit, prana is the deciding factor between a living being and a cadaver. It is your soul. Modern day meditation derives from the fifth branch of yoga, Pratyahara. This is the process of ignoring the senses from the outer world and recognizing those in your inner world. The concept is similar to when you stay away from food for a while; usually your next meal is going to taste better than normal. When you withdraw from your senses you are able to experience them again with more vibrancy. Monks walking on hot coals seeming to feel nothing are practicing pratyahara. Dharana, the sixth branch, is the mastery of attention. This has grown in popularity by modern day quantum physics and in the book â€Å"The Secret† which tries to prove the law of attraction. Once you activate your attention on something, your intentions have a powerful magnetic influence to attract those same thoughts. Basically, if you set your mind to it you can achieve it. Very similar to Dharana, Dhyana, the seventh branch of yoga, is achieving complete awareness. You develop this skill in meditation, something I believe everyone should practice no matter your religious affiliation. Meditation teaches you to stay centered and awake to all possibilities, in order to be able to choose the best course of action for any obstacle. (Chapra 47) The eighth and final branch of yoga is called Samadhi. This is the belief that we are forever infinite, that although our bodies are temporarily on this planet our spirit is forever flowing in the cosmic world. Samadhi’s main goal is to know yourself as a spiritual being disguised as a human being. These teachings clash heavily with western philosophy of the afterlife. Christians believe that if we live good moral, ethical lives then we will be granted permission into the gates of heaven and therefore be in eternal peace. This belief, in my opinion, has been misinterpreted causing a materialistic movement. We tend to believe that since we are only here on this earth once, that we are forced to make as much money as possible and to have as many things as we can while it lasts. It has also led to carelessness in our environment. When western civilization begins to realize that the earth is in fact a living organism and we share the same breath of air with everyone, then we can begin to treat the Earth as our Mother Nature not just a temporary medium to the afterlife. Raised into a Roman Catholic family I still hold all the same values and beliefs I grew up with. But I believe no one religion is right, and it is naive to think that Christianity is the only way of life. Christianity, being one of the youngest religions, was derived from many beliefs of many different religions. Similarities are everywhere, but over time, power, greed and many other factors have changed the customs and traditions to their favor. I no longer see myself as Catholic, but I am still highly spiritual. I took this course hoping to find some answers and I’ve come to the realization that I don’t have to be a devout follower of any particular religion. I can take bits and pieces from various teachings to establish my own beliefs in a way that’s going to help me live a morally righteous life. Namaste.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Multiple Births Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multiple Births - Essay Example An inconsistency during the 2nd trimester between the measured fundal height and gestational age of the fetus usually present a case of twin or multiple pregnancies. Clinical presentation of these pregnancies elicit size of fetus greater than the date by exam, fetal motion not detected until 18-20 weeks, elevated AFP results (Tharpe, 2006). Confirmation of such pregnancies is made through ultrasonographic examination. Complications: Several risks and complications are associated with multiple gestations including early pregnancy loss, low birth weight along with the occurrence of intra-uterine fetal demise, preterm labor and delivery (Levene and Chervenak, 2009). There is an increased prevalence of congenital anomalies in monozygotic twins. Brain anomalies like hydrocephaly and micro-cephaly are found to be associated with multiple pregnancies. Also, risk for intra-partum asphyxia is increased in second born due to frequent fetal mal-presentation leading to traumatic delivery. Risk of maternal morbidity is also enhanced in these pregnancies. Other maternal complications include induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, anemia, urinary tract infections, pre-eclampsia, ante-partum hemorrhage, post-partum hemorrhage and endometriosis (Littleton and Engebreston, 2002). According to Avery et al., (2005) in multiple births increased risk of intra-uterine growth retardation is reported which may be due to unequal sharing of placenta among fetuses. Consequently, usual problems associated with intra-uterine growth retardation like intra-partum asphyxia, polycythemia, hypoglycemia and pulmonary hemorrhage are witnessed. In 5% of the multiple pregnancies, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is observed which is due to vascular anastomosis between the circulations of monozygotic twins sharing the same placenta. The transfusions taking place in single direction may render the donor fetus anemic, while the recipient fetus becomes polycythemic. Eventually, either of the twin fetuses may become hydropic due to volume overload or anemia. In some severe cases, the donor twin may expire. Management: Patients with multi-fetal pregnancies are followed closely with ultrasonographic examination to assess fetal growths and development throughout her pregnancy. Patient m ay be hospitalized if she develops signs of preterm labor or other complications. Delivery room management of multiple births requires larger number of trained personal for resuscitation/CPR in case of preterm delivery and availability of blood as multi-fetal pregnancies experience frequent blood loss and may lead to post-partum hemorrhage (Gilstrip et al., 2002). Multiple births offer a challenge to nurses and health paramedics in delivery room. Where majority of multiple pregnancies should be delivered normally a caesarean section is suggested as a preferred mode of delivery (Levene and Chervenak, 2009). For a vaginal delivery, continuous electronic monitoring of the fetal vital signs, tolerance to labor (attained by fetal electronic heart beat monitor) and uterine activity should be done (Cruickshank and Shetty, 2009). Delivery should be done till 40th week of gestation because of increased risk of peri-natal morbidity after the due date. In the labor management of twin gestation prostaglandins or oxytocin can be administered to induce vaginal delivery (Creasy et al., 2004).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Common Ground Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Common Ground - Assignment Example Concentrates on limited points of comparison, which do not exceed three. The analysis attempts to reframe the issues discussed in the opposing essays. Establishment of a common ground in opposing essays is devoid of personal bias and therefore avoids taking of positions. The essay is fair and accurate presentation of the opposing views. The essay gives an almost equal attention to the different opposing viewpoints without judging either of the proposed arguments. The essay should be easy to follow through the provision of a forecasting statement alongside a thesis. The essay uses clear topic sentences and labels its positions consistently with repetition of key words identifying different points of disagreement and agreement. The paper identifies the time in which the issue arose as the â€Å"age of innocence† and â€Å"Steroid Era†. The issue started around the 1990s and took strong roots in 2006. The paper piques the interest of readers using star players linked with steroid related scandals. The use of the names of known players involved in public scandals is relevant in providing minimal background information. The essay locates the time in which the opposing essays were developed linking it to issues surrounding Abu Ghraib. The use of Abu Ghraib involves a publicized event in the period and thus raises the interest of readers without revealing many details. The paper articulates the credentials of the authors of the opposing essays. The paper focuses on two points creating disagreement and they include fairness and health risks. He identifies agreement by the two authors on the possible side effects resulting from the use of steroids while the two disagree on the ethical issue surrounding who bears the responsibility for taking steroids. The paper analyzes the different arguments fronted on issuers of torture and morality placing the disagreements in what can be

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cleaning Oil Spills with Magnets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cleaning Oil Spills with Magnets - Assignment Example The EVTN voraxial oil separator development by Fort Lauderdale uses the centrifugal by the gravity force to separate two or more different liquids. It was used during the 2010 BP Oil Spill, with effects such as the provision of industrial and environmental separation technology, the development of the company for both sells and manufactures, and the establishment of the Florida precision aerospace company. The long-term effect of this oil spill, which is considered as the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry, is hydrocarbon poisoning in the environment. However, it also paved the way for the establishment of the Exxon- Valdez voraxial separator. The long-term effects of magnetic soap are a high rate of marine and birds survival, the establishment of the industrial chemist, and the use of electrical melting point, and conductivity to clean the environment.

Race and ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Race and ethnicity - Essay Example Another thing that became a major hindrance in the community is racial abuse. Racial abuse has resulted in diversified and serious effects on adolescents and adults. The effects of racial harassment have long-standing issues and may stretch through out the life span. Short term or long term bullying tend to have serious mental difficulties on adults. Adults who continue to bully get into serious troubles and commit crimes like, marital violence, child abuse etc. It also affects the cordial relationship between the family members and friends. Though inequalities still exists, it doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any racial and ethnical categorization. In the present world scenario utmost importance is given to human rights. Under United Nations resolution human rights to every citizen of every country should be considered as an important factor. It's every country's responsibility to protect its citizen's basic human rights. Human rights violation should be considered as a serious offence, legal and appropriate action should be taken against those who violate these rights Assessing student's abilities and disabilities is the major factor and teachers should strive to identify these issues. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses one can easily work on these issues. Self-confidence plays an important role in everyone's lives. It is the deciding factor that decides a winner and a loser. In US the Blacks are the largest immigrants. They migrated from the far lands of the black continent Africa. In the past, since these countries were not as developed as US and their socio-economic structure was on decline, many of the citizens were forced to work as slaves and have to migrate to US. In US, Black immigrants have less education and less skill set, even among Black women also. Apart from other groups these Blacks have less human capital, so they have very less employers in their group and it is indirectly affecting their economic status and social environment also. Gender inequality was always prevailed among the Blacks. Since they were not the major community and further more they were immigrants, they had to face the brunt of racial abuse. One of the reasons of racial abuse was, fear among the US citizens was losing the jobs to these immigrants. Since the Blacks were ready to work for fewer wages there always lies the danger of losing jobs. Most of the Blacks were more or less unskilled or semi-skilled. This makes them of losing jobs very often. This brings more responsibilities on average Black women. Now she has to work outside to meet the daily requirements and look after the family. Bullying and racial harassment were the most dreaded things that most of the blacks and their children experienced in the pre and post civil war. The major reasons to start bullying and racial abusing depends on the characters surrounding the respective environment (like parents, neighbors, etc.,), children will face the immediate effect since they are the immediate guardians to the children, if not this parents or teachers at school whoever are close to the children with respect to time get to influence them. Human beings develop or grow by observing the surroundings and so they are called as social animals. The madness of depression is the antithesis of violence. It is a storm indeed, but a storm of murk. Soon evident are the slowed-down responses, near paralysis, psychic energy throttled

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethics and Diversity in Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics and Diversity in Policing - Essay Example e ethical rules related to his/ her job, as these rules are incorporated into the relevant code of conduct, b) non-controllable factors; shooting a civilian by accident while participating in an operation against a burglary can be an example of such case, c) personal factors, such as consumption of alcohol while in-duty and d) failure in evaluating a case appropriately (U.S. Department of Justice 2007, p.22). The above problem could be effectively faced through the following measures: a) training programs focusing on the codes of conduct and ethics should be introduced in each police department, b) a phone-line operating 24hrs/7 could be established for supporting police officers when performing their job, c) in each police station a control mechanism would be created for checking the cases of misconduct of police officers. Among the rules including in the police codes of conduct there are certain that are quite difficult, either because of the conditions of work, such as those focusing on the behavior of police officers working within prisons, or because of the police sub-culture, such as those regulating the duties of police officers working in departments controlling police corruption. McCall, D. (2011) â€Å"Ethical and Effective Policing.† US Department of State, Vol 15, No 10, pp.1-28. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Justice (2007) â€Å"Building Trust Between the Police and the Citizens They Serve.† Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, pp.1-132. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Justice (2000). â€Å"Laws enforced by the Department of Justice in maintaining integrity for federal officers.† Organizational Report, pp. Retrieved from The police sub-culture is characterized by certain ethical issues, such as: a) a police officer has ‘to control the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Week 8 - Essay Example One needsto take protein on daily basis(Clark 143). It is not advisable to take an ideal training diet, for instance, taking a limited number times food rich in proteins limited number of times and taking regularly pasta, bagels, and energy bars. 20 to 25 grams of protein during each meal before sleeping at night is ideal for building muscle since they provide a continuous supply of amino acid responsible for muscle building. Sport drinks are not the best way to replace sodium loses from sweat. They comprise of little sodium balancing the loss of sweat. Instead, endurance sport drinks, food sprinkled with salt and snacks containing salt, for instance, V8 juice, olive, and pickles offer a better choice. A target ranging from 250 to 500nmilligram of sodium perhour should be maintained. However, tablets such as Endurolytes merely supply 40 milligrams in one tablet(Clark 167).This fact enables a person exploit other ways of replacing sodium. Exercising with an empty stomach athletes burn extra fats.It is not always true that a person gets slimmer but reducing the amount of calories taken reduces whether they burn carbohydrates or fats during the exercise or they do not(Clark 180). An athlete eating pre-exercise refreshments will have an ability to exercise more, more calories burned and finally losing more body

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lifestyle of blackfoot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lifestyle of blackfoot - Essay Example Buffalo hunting is their major hunting activity. â€Å"The Blackfoot Indian tribe displayed agility in hunting buffalo that outranked other tribes. Their nomadic lifestyle was aided by dogs and later horses. They seldom fought over land but were great warriors in their own right† (Blackfoot Indian Tribe). This paper analyses different aspects of Blackfoot’s life styles. Because of huge diversity in culture, the life styles of Blackfoot (Also known as Blackfeet) people are different. Different languages, clothing, hunting methods, worshipping methods, food habits and hobbies are prevailing among the Blackfoot community because of the differences in their ethnicity. â€Å"Mi'kmaq, Cree, Ojibwa, Arapaho, Shawnee, Fox, Algonquin† etc are some of the major languages in the Blackfoot community (Tribal Lifestyle, Gender Roles, Elders). â€Å"The members of a Blackfoot Indian tribe spoke a language called Pikunii. This is language was lyrical and musical to the ear with complex word formations. The language was learned by word of mouth and there was no written language† (Blackfoot Indian Tribe). ... In other words, inter-tribal marital relationship is also possible among some of the tribal groups of the Blackfoot community. â€Å"There are three main clans in the Blackfoot community: The Kainai (Many Leaders, also called the Blood); The Piikani (Amsskaapipiikani in Montana and Apatohsipiikani in southern Alberta also called the Peigan ); The Siksika (Blackfoot, also called northern Blackfoot)† (Tribal Lifestyle, Gender Roles, Elders). Even though, these clans have lot of differences in their life styles, the elements of a common culture can be seen in the life styles of these people. â€Å"Each tribe in Blackfoot community consisted of a number of hunting bands, which were the primary political units of the tribe† (Hanes & Pifer). Each hunting band may have two leaders; one for leading the group for hunting activities and the other for leading the group in other social and political activities. The hunting leader would be an expert hunter whereas the other leader w ould be a person with immense capabilities in solving the social problems. In case of any disputes occur, the final word comes from either the hunting leader or the civilian leader. During ancient period, arrows and lances were the major war weapons of the Blackfoot community. Blackfoot community had no hesitation in engaging in war with other tribal groups. They were clever warriors and their fighting spirit and better war strategy helped them to expand their territories. The Blackfoot or Siksikas were one of the most famous of the northern tribes, largely due to the fact that they were among the first to encounter and form relationships with European fur traders. Through this contact, the people of the Siksika nation became familiar with the objects, inventions and animals brought by these

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Media Influences Antisocial Behavior Essay Example for Free

How Media Influences Antisocial Behavior Essay In this new generation research Indicates that many young people today spend a lot of time In front of the TV or on computer games and thus leading to the Implication that media Influences antl-soclal behaviour. Psychologists have researched Into explanations on medias influence on antisocial behaviour, one of these explanations being the social learning theory (SLT). This advocates that we model our behaviour on behaviour that we observe; whether its antisocial or pro-social behaviour. Children can be expected to imitate behaviour illustrated through the media that is successful in gaining the models objectives. Further supporting this explanation, evidence from natural experiments are used as authentication to the link that media Influences not lust antisocial behaviour but violent behaviour as well. One Psychologist, Phillips (1983) reinforced this theory by analysing crime statistics for the 10-day period following the publication of heavyweight boxing contests shown throughout the nation. The research exhibited a significant rise in the number of murders during that said period, thus highlighting how media influences antisocial behaviour. Through further interpretation on the social learning theory this explanation could e questioned, Despite all the psychologists experiments on the theory there Is no real evidence to support it. For instance, in 1993 two boys murdered James Bulger and were said to be inspired by the video Childs Play, however later it was conducted by Cumberbatch (2001) that no known link was ever found. It should also be taken into consideration that if two young influential boys were able to play such a violent and Impressionable game what type of parental figures they had on a dally basis and attachments they had with their primary care giver. It can be advocated hat the children had other outside affects that caused they to commit such a crime and that media was not the only reason and thus concluding that the media isnt the only cause for antisocial behaviour. Furthermore, another explanation for medias influence of antisocial behaviour is Justification. This vindication implies that violent behaviours may provide a Justification for a childs own violent behaviour, or perhaps even go as far as providing moral guidelines regarding what Is acceptable and unacceptable. It Is suggested that children who act more aggressively watch violent elevision programmes In order to relieve their guilt and Justify their own aggression and thus advocating that the media allows them to channel that emotions and making their actions acceptable in their own mind. On further evaluation it should be prominent that programmes have mixed prc-social and antisocial messages. For example, the 198ffs television series The A Team portrayed the typical heroic figures as behaving violently and so signifying that the negative effects of such programmes support the concept of Justification as Illustrated by Liss and Reinhardt (1979). Concluding that the use of aggression by pro-social characters provides an impression of moral justiflcation to their antisocial and violent behaviour, with which children already identify. Moreover, an alternative insinuation of explaining medias influence on antisocial behaviour is Cognitive Priming. This refers to the activation of already existing aggressive thoughts and feelings. It highlights why children observe one variety of aggression on television and commit another type of aggression after. imprinting the shown behaviour and recall the memories in a later stimulation in the resent. The magnitude of cognitive priming was established by Josephson (1987). The psychologist looked into this by using hockey players as participants who were deliberately frustrated and then shown a violent or non-violent film where an actor held a walkie-talkie. This resulted in throughout the hockey game the player who had seen the violent clip behaved more aggressive in comparison to those whom where shown the non-violent clip. Josephson advocated that the walkie-talkie held by the referee acted as a trigger for aggression within the hockey player. And so through his it is demonstrated how media can influence behaviours by acting as a catalyst to existing aggressive thoughts. Additionally, another explanation for medias influence on antisocial behaviour is desensitation. This contention underlines that under normal conditions, anxiety about violence inhibits its use. It suggested how media violence may stimulate aggressive behaviour by desensitising children to the effects of violence. This therefore results in the child being more accepting for aggressive and antisocial behaviours. However this is contradicted by Comberbatch (2001) who rgues that people might get used to screen violence but that this does not necessarily mean a person will also get accustomed to violent or antisocial behaviours in their everyday life in the real world. It is claimed that screen violence is more likely to make children frightened then frightening thus contradicting the indication that the media desensitises the public to violent and antisocial behaviour. Overall, these explanations conduct valid explanations into how media influences antisocial behaviour. We are able to determine that media does in fact affect the way in which a person behaviour but to what extent is questionable.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Hack man and old hams Job Characteristic model

Hack man and old hams Job Characteristic model (JCM) has been used extensively for a long time as a outline to understanding five key charachteristics to promote satidfaction and motivation within a work place. These five factors are skill variety, taks identity, task significance autonomy and feedback from the job (Hackman and Oldham 1976) these characteristics in turn promote psychological states experience of meaningfulness, experience of outcome responsibility, and knowledge of results of work (Hackman and Oldham 1976). These states subsequently effect the outcomes; work motivation, performance, satisfaction within the work, low absenteeism, and turnover (Hackman and Oldham 1976). Hackman and Oldham proposed that when these five job characteristics and the work outcomes are combined to find motivating potential score (MVS), which can then be used measure the job will affect employees satisfaction, behavior , and desire to grow within their job. This theory was used as a framework for many years, generating a great deal of research. As a whole the JCM does maintain the prediction that when a worker is motivated, satisfied , and their performance is high, they see their job as high within The five key job characteristics, and mediates a more positive physical state. (Fried and Ferris 1986). However the JCM comes under scrutiny, due to the distinctiveness of the five job characteristics that it uses, it doesnt approach the job with the certainty that it can be changed. Within the five core characteristics Hackman and Oldham (1967) failed to recognize important features within a work place such as the social envirmonment and work context (Humphreys et al 2007) One of the limitations to the JCM that needed looking into more detail was the mediation of critical psychological states(CPS). Fried and Ferris (1987) found that although the JCM has stimulated over 250 published studies, only eight of these studies included the CPS. Hackman and Oldham originally stated that the CPS would each separately act as mediators, however Oldham(1996) later corrected this by stating that the true mediation model is different. Johns et al (1992) also backed this statement in their earlier research suggesting that experienced meaning was a particularly encompassing psychological state and it served as a mediator for all five motivational characteristics (Johns et al 1992 in Humphrey et al 2007 )Johns et al (1992) was not suggesting that the other states should be taken out but each contributes in their own way to the mediation development. Since Hackmans and Oldhams (1976) theory, other researchers have expanded on the JCM, as although it was evolutionary in expanding the understanding of occupational psychology it was also very limited. Humphreys (2007) meta analysis is a good example of this, as it has found enchanced characteristics than the initial core five that Hackman and Oldham (1976) came up with. One of the first important factors accounting for motivation which was stated earlier the social environment and work context (Humphrey et al 2007) both incrementally predicted enchanced motivation and positive behavior better than the original five core characteristics. Humohrey expanded on the importance of social environment, observing that social characteristics are extremely important factors to promote a positive environment at work motivational qualities, well beingness, and how meaningful the work is to the employee( Myers 1999). Because these characteristics reduce the likeliness of negative events happening at the work place, they therefore reduce the job stress on the employee. These are extremely imrotant factors in promoting occuopational health as Adler anKwon (2002 in Humphrey et al 2007 ) found that they also increase motivation and prosocial work behavior, promoting resilence, security , and positive moos on the job. When redesigning jobs, consultants might look at social characteristics such as organized team work, which promotes interdependence between associates. Furthermore interdependence offers social support and a network of co workers and supervisors to assist fellow employees and offer support when needed. This network of support also offers role identity and deal with concerns they have More generally working in a team just sustains the opportunity for social interaction, researchers have now started to emphasize the significance of team work and interdependence (Arthur, Edwards, Bell, Villado Bennet 2005). This also helps to clarify which roles the particular person fills. Which in turn allows for feedback to enhance perception of the individuals responsibility within a role . Biddle (1979 in Humphreys et al 2007) emphasized that social characteristics should improve and develop role awareness as employees roles become more evident with more contact with other people. Furthermore soci al characteristics enable interections between employees allowing them to learn from one another and gain valuable experience, that can only be sought from face to face interactions. This facilitates the employees to transfer implicit and explicit knowledge, so they can perform more effectively (Humphreys 2007). If employees find the social environment they work in to pbe a positive atmosphere and somewhere they like to work then there will be reduced absenteeism, and will want to carry on working for their employer or organization. Additionally as part of being in a group or team, jobs often require leadership, and group leadership ivolves teams with assorted skills from different division of an organization sucha s cross funsctional teams. Team work envolves sharing leadership roles, or envoles rotating different leaders, allowing team members to gain more experience and elevate power (Bens 2006)   Following this Humphreys et al (2007) found that work context actually accounts for more varience than social environment, Humphreys et al (2007) specifically looked at three work context characteristics these are physical demands, work conditions, and ergonomics. Physical demands indicate the actual amount of physical exertion or activity is required for the job This also looks at how much stamina, patience and activity one has to do with the job and if it is satisfactory for the individual. work conditions examines the physical environment that the employees work in, such as ; health hazards, temperature and noise (Edwards Scully and Brtek 1999). Ergonomics shows if the work allow for travel, stance and movement. All three of these characteristics take into account how the job is designed in terms of biological concerns(Campion 1988). If these three characteristics dont work in synergyand complement each other then the job will be physically unpleasant, and the employees will not find working there to be a positive experience, and absentee levels will rise. Following Hackman and Oldhams theory,. Humphreys meta analysis has allowed us to pinpoint specific out comes, and see where more research needs to take place in order to throuroughly and successfully redesign jobs to promote better health. However it also highlights gaps in research, still the outcomes are unknown and a gnereic model cannot always be used due to individual characteristics, it can only be used to pinpoint specific relationships. Bond and Bunce (2001)s longitudinal study, was a quasi experiment measured job stressers and strain using the occupational stress indicatior, job control, self rated performance and sickness absence, with participants that were particularly stressed within middle management employees working for a government minister, and a very strict control group. A Parcipitative action research program (PAR) was put in place to reduce the employees amount of stress. On the basis of Bond and Bunce (2001) findings , the comitee involved decided to develop proposals and action plans to increase workers jobcontrol over three problem areas: assignment distribution procedures, within-unit consultation and communication, and informal performance feedback(Bond and Bunce 2001). Subsequently in agreement with PAR the committee offered everyone in the different units a chance to give their opinion, and discuss the changes that they would like to improve the occupational health within the company, before the stratagies were finalized. And each Par unit had to meet specific goals set by the committee. The study found that giving the individual some power by being involved in the job redesign gives the indiviaul more job satisfaction. Furthermore it was the longitudinal and quasi experiment to prove that a work restructuring interventeion can reduce stress in the work place and mental health (Bond and Bunce 2001). However there are some problems with this experiment as it lack generalizability due to its common source bias, as the study has asked the individual and it is self report,a job analysis may have beena a better option when redesigning the work place as the results can be generalized more easily. However Bond and Bunces (2001) study is extremely interesting and shows progression in occupational health psychology. In conclusion Hackman and Oldhams (1967) study was very influential in occupational health psychology, and although now it can be criticised greatly for its limitations it is a framework that has just been improved upon time after time, promotiong mediation in job redesign throughout all occupations to make it more positive for the employee.  · ^ Ingrid Bens (2006). Facilitating to Lead. Jossey-Bass.  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Bob Marley Essay -- Art

Bob Marley Clemson University There are hundreds of thousands of people screaming for you on stage. The Prime Minister and leader of the opposition sit in the arena. Many thought this was a sight that would never be seen, but it was just the sight Bob Marley had in front of him at the One Love Peace Concert in Kingston Jamaica (April, 1978). This was his first appearance back in Jamaica in 14 years, an amazing show culminating with Bob joining the hands of opposing political figures onstage, and holding them firmly together. A hero and an icon while living, Bob Marley continues to influence people 25 years after his death (African Service News). His music and lyrics worked as the rhetoric of the Rastafarian movement against oppression, exploitation and racism in Jamaica. Using metaphors to describe the hardships of the political fights of Jamaicans and Africans Marley established himself as the spokesman of a race and culture. The Rastafari religion, the heart of Bob’s music, based itself in belief of ‘Jah,’ which was a metaphor for a god of goodness and love. Jah was the force fighting against the oppression from ‘Babylon,’ the destructive force. Metaphors of oppression and freedom, such as chains and birds, depict social problems and ways of liberation (Jensen). Many of Marley’s lyrics included these references and therefore fell into the latitude of acceptance, explained in Muzafer Sherif’s studies on Social Judgment Theory (Griffin), of his Rastafari listeners. When Marley spoke of things that were in the latitude of acceptance of his audience, his words impacted them listeners incredibly. â€Å"If you get down and quarrel everyday/You're saying prayers to the devil, I say/ Why not help one another on the way/ Make it much easier/ Jah love, Jah love, protect us† Positive Vibrations. Marley strived to increase awareness among the people of Jamaica, but his popularity didn’t end there. His music spread through the hearts of Europeans, Africans, and Americans. Lyrics and music work together to offer messages comprised of both theoretical and emotional content through the constructs of virtual experience (lyrics) and virtual time (music). Both virtual experience and virtual time must exist for music to function rhetorically (Sellnow). However it can sometimes work out otherwise. In fact, it was the bass heavy style of Bob Marley’s new age r... ... when it hits you feel no pain. So hit me with music, hit me with music now, brutalize me with music† Bob Marley Feb. 6, 1945 – May 11, 1981 Bibliography Bob Marley Continues to Touch People's Hearts 20 Years After. (August 7, 2002) Africa News Service, p1008219u1157 Griffin, E. (2003). A first look at communication theory. 4th ed. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill. Hakanen, E.A., Wells, A., Ying, L.L.S., (1999). Music choice for emotional use and management by Hong Kong adolescents. Asian Journal of Communication. 9 (1), 72-85. King, Stephen, Jensen, Richard (1995). Bob Marley's "Redemption Song": the rhetoric of reggae and Rastafari. Journal of Popular Culture, v29 n3 p17(20) Napier, Kristine. (Nov-Dec 1997) Antidotes to pop culture poison. Policy Review, n86 p12(3) Sellnow, Deanna D. (1999). Music as persuasion: Refuting hegemonic Masculinity in "He Thinks He'll Keep Her". Women's Studies in Communication. 22 (1, Spring), 66-84. Sellnow, Deanna, and Sellnow, Timothy. (2001). The "illusion of life" rhetorical perspective: An integrated approach to the study of music as communication. Critical Studies in Media Communication. 18 (4, December), 395-415.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Gish Jen’s â€Å"Who’s Irish and Amy Tan’s â€Å"Two Kinds† both entail two different stories with similar symbols and themes, these stories also demonstrate a vast amount of cultural differences. In â€Å"Who’s Irish† the Chinese grandmother has opposing views on her son-in-law and his inability to get a job, as well as how her granddaughter should be raised. â€Å"Two Kinds† depicts the lifestyle a Chinese mother is trying to create for her young daughter, as all she wants is for her to become a young piano prodigy and not waste the opportunity of the American Dream. Nonetheless they share several attributes that set them apart from each other as they exhibit parallel battles, characters and story lines. It is evident in the text that both mothers represent oppressive and authoritarian personalities which end up getting in the way of their relationships with their daughters. Given both narrators’ unique characteristics a nd continuous consistency of personalities the audience will be able to set them apart and understand the different cultures in which the narrator’s were raised. The narrator uses a vast amount of symbolism in â€Å"Who’s Irish† to vividly bring out the intended themes for the readers. Throughout the story the narrator could not understand why her daughter’s husband is so incompetent, and why he needs to be pampered. When the narrator uses the line, â€Å"plain boiled food, plain boiled thinking† (par. 13-14) she is expressing bigotry toward other cultures and their incompetence to understand what hard work really is. The symbolism here is being used to emphasize cultural difference that has ruled the working criteria of the American citizens. Consequently this is an example of how difficult is it for the narrator to accept other cultur... ...e two stories contrasts each other on their thematic use in the two stories. In ‘Two Kinds†, Jing- Mei is very stubborn and also very naive. It was through her character that she vehemently prevented herself from being an immense piano player which displays she has no desire to obey her mother’s wishes for her. In â€Å"Who’s is Irish† the situation is very different as the grandmother attempts to raise her granddaughter the way she was raised herself, the Chinese way. Lastly, we can distinguish that the theme and the symbolism in the two stories are very much interlinked, the narrators in both stories have clearly emphasized on their theme using symbolism. Symbolism in its own is a form of communication where the listeners will figure out the symbolic representative in relation to the narrative. Symbolism also demonstrates the narrative theme in the real world scenario.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leonardo da Vinci :: essays research papers

Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps the greatest man in history, invented thousands of things including the helicopter, tank and portable bridge. Leonardo was not only an inventor ,but a sculptor, an artist and an architect. He was born 1452 in the small town of Vinci ,in Tuscany. His father was a wealthy notary and his mother a peasant woman. In the mid 1460s the family moved to Florence here he was given the best education Florence could offer. He advanced rapidly socially and intellectually . He was very handsome and a fine musician. About 1482 Leonardo entered the service of the duke of Milan. Due to a recommendation stating that he could build portable bridges and knew techniques in constructing canons, ships and catapults as well as other weapons. He served as principle engineer in the duke’s military projects. In 1502 Leonardo entered the service of Cesare Borgia, duke of Romagna. He served as Cesare’s chief architect and engineer. Leonardo supervised work on the fortresses of the papal territories in central Italy. In 1506 Leonardo went to Milan again at the summons of its French governor Charles d’Amboise. For the next six years he divided his time between Milan and Florence. He still continued his engineering projects and worked on a figure for a monument to a commander of the French forces in the city. Although Leonardo produced a small number of paintings he was an influent artist. The Mona Lisa, his most famous work, is a great example of two techniques sfumato and chiaroscuro of which he was one of the first great masters. Because none of Leonardo’s sculptural projects were brought to completion, his approach to three dimensional art can only be judged by his drawings. As a scientist he towered over his generation.

Learning to read Malcolm X Compare and Frederick Douglass and Contrast Essay

Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X both were African Americans who struggled to be successful. Frederick was born a slave for life 1817 he didn’t go to school but wanted to have knowledge. He had a lot of obstacles in his path but the fact he wanted to learn to read and write keep him going though he wanted to give up sometimes. Frederick Douglass also wanted abolish slavery.Malcolm X was born in May 19, 1925 into a family. During his early years his family moved a number of times because of racism. At age 6 his father was murder mysteriously, their home was burned and four of his uncles were murder by white people. His family struggled economically and they were living off public welfare.His mother became ill and he was sent to foster home. At age 13 Malcolm X was charge with delinquency and dropped out of school at age 15. As a teenager later he began wearing flashy clothing and jumped into criminal acts, like doing drugs, gambling and burglary. Age twenty he was sentence to 1 0 years in prison for burglary. In there he began to transform his life.Frederick was against slavery while Malcolm was against racism. They both had a dream to fight for injustice for their people against racism and slavery. Both Frederick and Malcolm taught themselves how to read and write. Frederick Douglass was a slave and it was illegal for slave to have knowledge.He didn’t wanted to be a slave he wanted to be something better, wanted to have knowledge as he saw it as power. He educated himself using various strategies, like learning from the boys on the street by trading bread for knowledge. He would even go to the lumber yard and copied the letter that the carpenter would write on the timber the name of the place it was intended to go.Then later he would meet the boys challenging them that he can write better and they would respond saying â€Å"I don’t believe you† this way Frederick got a good lesson. Malcolm X also taught himself to read and write start ing with whatever knowledge he knew before dropping out of school. After being sentence to prison he began coping words from the dictionary everything on the page down to punctuationand began reading books on history, Philosophy and religion.Reading and writing kept Frederick and Malcolm alive through their struggles in becoming something better. Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X both realize how knowledge was great as they interest in reading and writing grew. Frederic knowledge made him a wiser and smarter man than being a slave like he was, he saw better things ahead with knowledge.the both He wanted to be something better than a slave not just for himself but also for his fellow slaves too. However reading and writing open up a new world for Malcolm X, it was better and different than when he was out on the streets with flashy cloths and committing crimes.Many thoughts had started appearing in his head. The thoughts ofbeing someone better as well, like Frederick, and to fight for his fellow black people too. They both used their knowledge to help fight justice for they fellow people in the exact situation as them that is slave and racism. Frederick Douglass used his own knowledge to write his own pass and escaped and became a public speaker.A brave speaker who spoke out against those who tolerated slavery. and he was able to help abolish slavery. Many doubted that he had been a slave as he was such an impressive public speaker. On the other hand reading changed the course of Malcolm X life forever with a better understanding of many things around such as, racisms around him.He had â€Å"little bit more sensitivity to the deafness, dumbness and blindness that were afflicting the black race† which meant he was able to understood the things that the black race was going through. With his knowledge he became a speaker as well. He became the most visible national spokesman for the black mulisms.anf fought freedom for other from the Christian religion, rac ism and violence against African American. However, one difference with both writers was that Malcolm X had his own organization while Frederick didn’t.Reading and learning about these two authors has inspire me with respect to my own goals by exposing to me and making me understand more how powerful knowledge really is. That knowledge is the key to many things. The more knowledge we gain through reading and writing the more we are able to understand thing in a different and positive way.I honestly never used to like reading but when I was then introduce to a book named â€Å"the walk series† as I was finishing the first series I then realize why Malcolm and Frederic had passion for reading writing I gained form reading and my interest began to grow as well.I can see that both writers had determination regardless of the circumstance/  obstacles in order to achieve what they had wanted. Not only had they had determination but they both also had love and interest for r eading and writing. This reminds me of myself being determine to complete all my homework and assignments on time regardless the obstacles I faced like having long travel hours and chores I had to get done with limited time as my mom wasn’t around at that moment.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Formal System to Control the Flow of Materials

Case Study – Big D Company TASK 1 1. 1 In order to advise the management on the installation of a more formal system to control the flow of materials and goods from supplier through stores and production to dispatch we must first summarize the current problem areas confronted by the Big D. †¢ Problem areas in Big D Company are presented in the order shown in the paragraph o On the highly standard material sizes, more than enough for one order might be purchased and in most cases full lengths would be ordered rather than the exact fraction needed. Some of the ordered exceeds the immediate requirements resulting in the purchasing of the same material without verifying the available stock. o Molded plastics were sometimes bought in excess of immediate needs and the quantities shown on the bill of materials were note amended. o Materials brought in from the supplier were not crossed checked with the Big D records and taken directly to the production or assembly. o Shop works were not scheduled and machines were idle and the foreman worked on any order. o No formal purchasing system Completed jobs were not recorded and sometimes units were assembled in advance of the completion of the entire lot. o The sales and production records indicated frequent early deliveries or o Quite a few times completed orders were kept in storage room †¦ which caused lost orders. o The superintendent usually allowed himself more time than was necessary for ordering, machining and assembly. Again this caused loss of order. o The company had not formal inventory control system. o Not records were kept of raw materials. o An Informal tabulation of finished goods was used. o Job were frequently sold even before completion A second lots were started before the first was finished, o No formal production planning and inventory control activity. †¢ The Proposed for Appropriate Structure for the Purchasing Function Purchasing department is considered the backbone of any org anization. One role of the purchasing department is to procure all necessary materials needed for production or daily operation of the company. For a manufacturing company, this might include raw materials such as iron, steel, aluminum or plastics, but it also might include tools, machinery, delivery trucks or even the office supplies needed for the secretaries and sales team.The purchasing department also makes sure there is always sufficient product on the shelves to keep the customers happy and keep the store well-stocked. It is especially important to keep inventory ordering at a reasonable level; investing large amounts of capital in excess stock could result in storage problems and in a shortage of capital for other expenditures such as advertising or research and development. Purchasing also oversees all of the vendors that supply a company with the items it needs to operate properly. Couple of conclusions was made after studying the problems noted above.First, it is quite cl ear that a formal structure must be put in place. Secondly, a formal inventory control system & production planning must be introduced. Having these in place, the company will avoid losing orders and in time will solve all the above problems. It is proposed here that the purchasing function to be structured in a CENTRALIZED way. Centralized purchasing structures are characterized by all purchases, being managed by a central purchasing group. In this approach, the operating units are consulted but are not fully responsible for their own buying.Centralized purchasing provides the firm with a single, collective sourcing and buying power. This model captures a large part of the potential corporate purchasing synergies, but there is little user control and responsiveness to local needs. The primary advantage of centralized purchasing is to realize a favorable price due to accumulated volumes. With centralized purchasing, the actual ordering process is centralized. The purchasing function will be organized by the superintendent in a manner intended to help meet the purchasing goals of the board.The purchasing function includes the following responsibilities: †¢ making purchases for all departments in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including, board policy, the superintendent’s directives, good purchasing practices and ethical principles; †¢ establishing and enforcing a system for approving the accounting for purchases and for receiving all materials; †¢ Establishing a practical degree of standardization of equipment, supplies and materials with sufficient flexibility to meet unique needs of the company Purchasing ProcessThere are many reasons why a formal process must be followed including the prevention of fraud, cost saving, compliance with regulations, management of risk and control. Approved Suppliers Approval Process and Segregation of Responsibilities Audit Trail Accounting Automation Purchasing Process Flowchart [pic] Th ere is sometimes a significant amount of effort required to ensure that a supplier is appropriate for a particular category of goods or services. They should be able to supply goods and services that meet requirements of quality and fit for purpose.They should be reliable financially sound and not present a commercial or reputation risk and their prices should be competitive. It makes no sense to perform the relevant research on a supplier each time goods or services are required. By developing preferred suppliers, longer term sustainable relationships can be developed that deliver a better value for money. Approval Process and Segregation of Responsibilities The principles of approval and segregation of responsibilities provides an organization with a control to reduce the risk of fraud.The requirement for the approval of a purchase requisition prevents inappropriate purchases being made and the separation of responsibilities to unconnected parts of the buying organization helps to reduce the risk of collusion. Audit Trail A formal purchasing process that records a predefined set of processes allows the path of events to be examined retrospectively to identify errors or deliberate breaches of policy. Accounting The organization has a legal responsibility to account for their finances including for the goods and services that they procure.It is important therefore that proper records are maintained e. g. to record dates, prices and department details as well as to categorize goods and services appropriately to distinguish between capital goods and expenses for example. This can have a crucial bearing on how the finances of the organization are described which in turn can have a tax and profitability impact. Automation A standard process allows for automation and the use of technology which reduces the cost of the process. 1. 2 A Purchasing system is defined in investopedia as a method used by the organization to buy products and/or services.A purchasing system manages the entire acquisition process, from requisition, to purchase order, to product receipt, to payment. Purchasing systems are a key component of effective inventory management in that they monitor existing stock and help companies determine what to buy, how much to buy and when to buy it. A popular purchasing system is based on economic order quantity models. Purchasing systems makes the purchasing process more efficient and helps the organization reduce supply costs.Computerized purchasing systems can cut companies’ administrative costs, shorten the length of the purchase cycle and reduce human error, thereby minimizing shortages. They can also simplify order tracking and make it easier to manage purchasing budgets by quickly creating expenditure reports. Ways to improve Purchasing system 1. Make past-performance evaluations more meaningful. As long as neither outstanding nor mediocre performance is significantly differentiated, past-performance reports will not provi de a meaningful incentive for anyone.For large supplies, bring in interviewers trained in eliciting differentiated information to guide evaluators through report cards. 2. Reward suppliers for recommending cost-saving ideas. Before issuing a request for proposals, give potential bidders an opportunity to suggest requirements changes that would result in big cost savings with little performance penalty. 4. Use contests as a procurement technique. 5. Make successful supply management experience a promotion criterion for staff.Purchasing System could also be improved through performance management and benchmarking. Performance measurement is a tool to help managers control the outcomes of their organizations. It enables them to be the driver rather than a passenger on their organizational journey. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT At the strategic level, we use a three-stage top down approach, which takes into account the conflicting interests of different groups of stakeholder. Key performance areas covering the whole spectrum of stakeholder requirements are defined.Elements to measure in each of the key performance areas are identified. One or more performance indicators for each element to measure are considered. The following diagram summarises the approach: [pic] The performance measurement system should be: Complete – The set of performance indicators should measure whether all stakeholder requirements are being met. Each indicator should be operationally and economically feasible to measure. Consistent – All major actions that can be taken by an organisation should affect an indicator and hence be subject to measurement.Effective – Each indicator should be a measure of current performance that is amenable to management action to change its value in the future. The set of indicators should encourage the necessary behaviour to bring about significant and continuous improvement for all stakeholders. Transparent – Whenever possible, indicator s should be developed to allow comparisons to be made and benchmarking to be undertaken. As summarized blow, the set-up and continuous improvement of the management system resides in â€Å"Plan†, â€Å"Check† and â€Å"Act. [pic] 1. 3 Staff Responsible for goods & services and their respective roles: At present only the following staffs have either direct or indirect responsibility for goods: |Staff Member |Roles | |Purchasing Manager |Purchase of materials. Obtain casting, materials and parts | | |indicated. |Foreman |Work on manufacturing orders. Keep staff & machines busy. Also | | |responsible to meet the estimated completion dates. Check off each| | |part of the quantity | |Superintendent |Ordering material, machining and assembly of goods. |Superintendent’s Secretary |Updates the traffic function | |Superintendent’s employees |Receiving & warehousing materials | Based on the proposed structure, the following is the recommended procurement function: |Position |Responsibilities | |Procurement Director |Major duties include oversight of all procurement functions. |Senior Procurement Analyst |Responsible for contributing to and continually improving an efficient and | | |cost-effective process designed to assist Institution staff in their procurement of | | |goods and services through an integrated procurement process of Accounts Payable, | | |Purchasing and Receiving, in compliance with Institutional policies and government | | |regulations.As a contributing member of the Procurement Team, is committed to the | | |common purpose, performance goals and approach for which team members hold themselves | | |mutually accountable. Performance evaluation is based on a combination of team success| | |and individual accomplishment. | | | |Senior Administrative Assistant   II |Responsible for general office management, Procurement help desk, training | | |presentations, processing major bid documents, maintaining  auditable records of | | |procurement files, data input into ERP system for Payables activity   | | | | |Procurement Systems Assistant |Responsible for invoices related to purchase orders, stock room orders and | | |sub-contracts and non-po related invoices. | | | |Procurement Systems Coordinator |The Coordinator handles and coordinates all aspects of the Procurement System/Process;| | |ensures system integrity, process assurance, analysis/testing and continuous | | |operations. Serves as Supervisor for   the payables team and payables processing for | | |the institution. The Position has an interest in owning and improving current | | |administrative systems necessary to the success of the organization. |Procurement Representative |Responsible for purchasing and payable of all items and Contract for services | | |. Responsible for purchasing and payable of all items. | |Senior Procurement Representative |Responsible for assisting the Operations group in developing procurement | | |specifications, selecting supplier markets, maintaining appropriate business | | |relationships with the Institution's vendor base and processing procurement | | |documentation including bids, Purchase Orders and Accounts Payable certificates. | |Additionally, will also assist  in all major contract development; and will act as the | | |Procurement staff supervisor in the absence of the Director. | |Reimbursement Facilitator I |Shared responsibility for the audit & data entry of all Request for Payments. | |Assistant Coordinator |Assists in ordering and stockroom operations. | |Stockroom Coordinator |Manages stockroom operations. | 1. 4 Supply chain management (SCM) is concerned with the flow of products and information between supply chain members' organizations.Recent development in technologies enables the organization to avail information easily in their premises. These technologies are helpful to coordinates the activities to manage the supply chain. The cost of information is decreased due to the increasing rate of technologies. In the integrated supply chain model as shown below bi-directional arrow reflect the accommodation of reverse materials and information feedback flows. Manager needs to understand that information technology is more than just computers. Except computer data recognition equipment, communication technologies, factory automation and other hardware and services are included. [pic]The importance of information in an integrated supply chain management environment: IT infrastructure capabilities provides a competitive positioning of business initiatives like cycle time reduction, implementation, implementing redesigned cross-functional processes. 1. Satisfying customer has become something of a corporate obsession. Serving the customer in the best, most efficient and effective manner has become critical. 2. Information is a crucial factor in the managers' abilities to reduce inventory and human resource requirement to a competitive level. Information flows plays a crucial role in strategic planning. Supply chain organizational dynamics:Big D participating in supply chain management initiatives accept a specific role to perform. It also shares the joint belief that it and all other supply chain participants will be better off because of this collaborative effort. Power within the supply chain is a central issue. It has been identified that there are five basic levels of participation of individual firms with in the interorganizational system. 1. Remote Input/Output mode: In this case the member participates from a remote location within the application system supported by one or more higher-level participants. 2. Application processing node: In this case a member develops and shares a single application such as an inventory query or order processing system. 3.Multi participant exchange node : In this case the member develops and shares a network interlinking itself and any number of lower level participants with whom it has an e stablished business relationship. 4. Network control node: In this case the member develops and shares a network with diverse application that may be used by many different types of lower level participants. 5. Integrating network node: In this case the member literally becomes a data communications/data processing utility that integrates any number of lower level participants and applications in real times. Information and Technology: Application of SCM: In the development and maintenance of Supply chain's information systems both software and hardware must be addressed. Hardware includes computer's input/output devices and storage media.Software includes the entire system and application programme used for processing transactions management control, decision-making and strategic planning. Recent development in Supply chain management software is: 1. A software programme which is useful for computing freight costs, compares transportation mode rates, analyse cost and service effect iveness of carrier. 2. A Supply Chain planning software programme which is used for demand forecasting, replenishment & manufacturing tools for accurate planning and scheduling of activities. 3. A software system called Transportation Network can be used for optimization and streamlining the bidding and award process. . There is a software programme to provide a programme capable managing the entire supply chain. Electronic Data Interchange: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) refers to computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard format. EDI describe both the capability and practice of communicating information between two organizations electronically instead of traditional form of mail, courier, & fax. The benefits of EDI are: 1. Quick process to information. 2. Better customer service. 3. Reduced paper work. 4. Increased productivity. 5. Improved tracing and expediting. 6. Cost efficiency. 7. Competitive advantage. 8. Improved billing.Though the use of EDI supp ly chain partners can overcome the distortions and exaggeration in supply and demand information by improving technologies to facilitate real time sharing of actual demand and supply information. Data warehouse: Data warehouse is a consolidated database maintained separately from an organization's production system database. Big D can used a multiple databases. A data warehouse is organized around informational subjects rather than specific business processes. Data held in data warehouses are time dependent, historical data may also be aggregated. Communication Improvement Information technology can improve the flow of communication within the workplace. Electronic communication methods used in the workplace include email, voicemail, videoconferences, online newsletters, instant messages and the Intranet.The Intranet, a company exclusive website, can be a great way for you, as a manager, to obtain feedback from your workers. Task 2 2. 1 The negotiation process has become a more impo rtant element in the supply chain process as companies look to reduce their expenditure whilst increasing their purchasing power. This means that purchasing manager must negotiate increasingly better rates with suppliers whilst maintaining or increasing quality and service. So Far Big D has been on the losing of this exercise. In other words, Big D has been paying more than it should have and it goes without saying that the quality and services have been going south as well.Purchasing manager should enter all negotiations with clearly defined objectives. Without having objectives, the possibility for the purchasing manager to compromise price and the quality or service is significantly raised. The Purchasing manager should enter strong into discussions to negotiate with the vendor with precise objectives that they wish to achieve for their company. The objective should not be absolute and should allow for some flexibility. However, the manager should also ensure that they do not dev iate from the objectives and allow themselves to negotiate on areas that were not part of the discussion. Negotiation is an important part of the role of the purchasing Manager.It is a skill that is learnt and training can help purchasing staff in understanding what is needed when negotiating with vendors. 2. 2 Big D’s distribution channels is in complete mess and need a face-lift. Without distribution even the best product or service fails. It is believed that Big D must undergo two levels: 1) To organise communication, which was discussed earlier and 2) To organise exchange through distribution. Distribution is important because: A. it affects sales – if it's not available it can't be sold. Most customers won't wait. As it’s the case in Big D B. distribution affects profits and competitiveness since it can contribute up to 50% of the final selling price of some goods.This affects cost competitiveness as well as profits since margins are squeezed by distributio n costs C. delivery is seen as part of the product influencing customer satisfaction. Distribution and its associated customer service play a big part in relationship marketing. Decisions about physical distribution are key strategic decisions. Channels change throughout a product's life cycle. Changing lifestyles, aspirations and expectations along with the IT explosion offer new opportunities of using distribution to create a competitive edge. Controlling the flow of products and services from producer to customer requires careful consideration. It can determine success or failure in the market place.Decisions about levels of stock, minimum order quantities, delivery methods, delivery frequency and warehouse locations have major cash flow implications as well as customer satisfaction implications. Distribution Strategy Distribution strategy is influenced by the market structure, the firm's objectives, its resources and of course its overall marketing strategy. a) The first strateg ic decision proposed here is that the distribution is to be: Intensive and mass distribution into all outlets for all the small simple fittings. In addition, Exclusive restricted distribution for all the large flow meters weighting upto 70 KG. b) The next strategic decision clarifies the number of levels within a channel such as agents, distributors, wholesalers, retailers. In some Japanese markets there are many, many intermediaries involved. [pic] 3.The current situation in Big D’s in terms of security of goods is not quite what it ought to be in company with years of operations. A lot of security issues exist. Sales had been lost to competitors and other sales had been lost due to setting estimate. No company had no formal inventory control system, hence, no records was kept of raw materials, purchased parts or manufactured parts on hand. There were no records kept on accumulated parts and even worst, the parts were stored in bins in the assembly department. The following are some recommendation on Production & Operation of Stocks and ways to reduce loss and theft of goods: There are three types of stock that a business can hold: Stocks of raw materials (inputs brought from suppliers waiting to be used in the production process) †¢ Work in progress (incomplete products still in the process of being made) †¢ Stocks of finished products (finished goods of acceptable quality waiting to be sold to customers) The aim of stock control is to minimise the cost of holding these stocks whilst ensuring that there are enough materials for production to continue and be able to meet customer demand. The marketing department should be able to provide sales forecasts for the coming weeks or months and so allow stock control managers to judge the type, quantity and timing of stocks needed.It is the purchasing department’s responsibility to order the correct quantity and quality of these inputs, at a competitive price and from a reliable supplier who will deliver on time. As it is difficult to ensure that a business has exactly the correct amount of stock at any one time, Big D should hold buffer or safe stock. Big D must introduce effectiveness and efficiency as essential factors in internal control in the management of its operation. †¢Inventory management: Big D will have an inventory clerk assigned to the requisition and/or the distribution of items. It could add inventory management to the job description of one of the workers.As the theft of any item is a loss to any company, managers must implement inventory procedures that ensure the smooth requisition and dissemination of items while ensuring that items are accounted for. †¢Separation of accounts payable and receivable: Avoid theft and fraud by one or more employees by separating the accounts payable and receivable duties. It’s best if Big D introduces segregation of duties in the Accounting Dept. and the management must continuously monitor the account ing records. Big D must ensure that internal control is deep in its organization. Employees may steal for different reasons but good internal control measures should reduce theft.Big D can implement inventory management systems, to reduce the likelihood of employee theft. REFERENCES Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operations, Second Edition by Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl (May 1, 2003) Purchasing and Supply Chain Management by Robert M. Monczka, Robert B. Handfield, Larry C. Giunipero and James L. Patterson (Mar 8, 2011) 5th Edition South-Western College/West; 5 edition (March 8, 2011) ISBN-13: 978-0538476423 Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Analysis, Strategy, Planning and Practice by A. J. van Weele (Dec 9, 2009) ———————– Case Study – Big D Company Purchasing (BUS441/20762P) [Prepared by Mohammed] [13th May 2012]

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Research Essay Argumentative Essay About Palestine and Israel

Researched Argument Essay — Written Assignment 6 Due: Sunday, December 2, 5:00 p. m. ineLearndropbox ***NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WITHOUT A WRITTEN EXCUSE*** For your next written assignment, I’m going to ask you to write aargument paper, using outside sources, on a topic of your choice. I encourage you to write about the same topic you chose for Written Assignment 5. Your textbook discusses argument in detail in Chapter Ten. General Instructions: 1. You should construct an argument that develops and supports an argumentative thesis; 2.Your thesis should 1. state your subject, 2. state your position or your central claim, and 3. name your three reasons; 3. Your essay should have FIVE (5) paragraphs – an introduction with your argumentative thesis, three body paragraphs (one for each reason), and a conclusion; 4. You should use and incorporate at least five (5)outside sources in your essay, and at least one source should not be an internet-only source (e. g. , website) and one source should be a book-length work; 5.You should document your sources within the text and also in a Reference Page according to APA (American Psychological Association) specifications; 5. Establish a clear thesis statement or main idea in your opening; 6. Develop your thesis/main idea by creating a logical organization of ideas, by using well-structured paragraphs and specific and relevant details,and by crafting clear sentences; 7. Use a consistent and appropriate point of view; and 8. Follow standard practices in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Organic Food Market in Hong Kong †Environmental Scan Essay

?Global trend of organic food In 1950s, consumers are starting to aware of organic product and in 1970s to 1980s, organic sector start to develop, e. g. set up regulation and certification around the world. In 1990s, the organic food market has a sharp growing, expanding at 20% a year. In 2006, the sales of organic baby food were increased 21. 6%. There are also has dramatically increase in variety, availability and decreasing the cost of organic food. ?Local trend of organic food. At the end of 1980s, there were many cases happened in Hong Kong that poisonous crops which are contaminated with pesticide, people in Hong Kong raise their awareness of health. Until 1990s, Organic foods have been selling in Hong Kong, most of them are imported from North America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Japan. In the few years ahead, consumption of organic food is increasing. In 2000s, the local market has a strong demand on fresh organic foods. International Trade Centre (ITC ) done a set of survey and observed some trends of Hong Kong. For example, there are more convenience organic food such as pre-packed organic salads; some public canteens and catering buy more organic food; provision of organic products with biodegradable packaging. Major competitor In Hong Kong, there are three major type of retail shops is selling organic food. First type is supermarket, e. g. Park n’ shop and Welcome are two major chains. Second type is department stores, e. g. Citysuper, Seibu, Jusco, Sogo. Third type is specialty healthy food shops, around 50 to health food shops selling organic, health and diet-supplement foods. Consumer ?General type of consumer Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC) release the result of a survey on 7 Jan 2005, it shows that 30% of the respondents had purchased organic foods. It also shows us the people who are interested in buying organic food are high education qualification, executives, managers or professionals, and they are usually with a higher total household income, married and/or with children. The meaning of organic food in consumer view In Hong Kong people’s mind, â€Å"organic food† has the similar meaning as â€Å"healthy food†, they also care about the nutritional value and image of the product. The best selling of organic foods in Hong Kong are baby food, rice cake, grains, fruit juice and breakfast cereals, so we can see Hong Kong people are more health-conscious now.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Negotiation Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negotiation Case - Essay Example Due to this economic slowdown, General Motors has been forced to take these decisions which are completely in contrast to the policies of is Chief Executive Officer. This has weakened the condition of GM among the other parties. Statements from the Chief Operating Officer, such as ‘We need support’, etc. has portrayed GM as very vulnerable to the oncoming negotiations. It is very challenging to arrive at an accurate BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement), as GM’s only choice is to shut down its operations across four plants as planned. GM expects to get at least $ 4.18 million from Germany and the other countries in the region. This will be the target or the aspiration point for General Motors. This will enable GM to effectively overcome its liquidity issues in Europe. It is also very essential for GM to continue to have a controlling interest and stakes in the functioning of Opel in Germany. The board of GM should continue to own at least 50% of the stakes in Opel in order to have a controlling interest in the company. Hence any claims by the German Government to own more than 50% of Opel will be the walking away point for General Motors. The Government, on the other hand, though has a higher hand, has to consider the main consequence of shutting down the Opel plant in Germany. It has been estimated that around 25,000 jobs would be lost as a result of closing Opel. This will add to the country’s unemployment rate in this global economic recession period. However the country has another option to invest in the overall infrastructure and other sectors within the country which will create more jobs in the country. However, the Government also has to face the Opel Labor union, who has the only goal of retaining their jobs and obtaining job sec urity for the current employees of Opel. Hence the pressure on the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Module 3 SLP Assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Module 3 SLP Assignment - Coursework Example This information is compiled in the form of a report. When the full record of the report has been compiled together, the decision of acquiring the inputs, their marketing, financial costs, tablets production and even how to handle competitors in the market place is determined. This is done through different approaches that are based on the costs, volume and profit margins so as to give greater focus on the features of the products that will meet the desires and need of most customers. These set of decisions will ensure that the company maximizes production of products that is mostly needed by the customers while at the same time minimizes cost as the profit margins are maximized. According the cost and profit aspects, the company decided to change the value of the brand so as to exercise a different strategy that will help the company to minimise the cost of manufacturing the products as the increase their profit margin. Following the need and desire of the potential customer, the company revised and set the values of each and every brand. The value of X5 was set at $300 while that of X6 and X7 was set at $450 and $ 200 respectively. This change of price will also reduce the R&D by about 10% that eventually will cause an increase in the volume of the products so that the profit margin to increase by the same value. These set of values can be very useful in the generation of the profits of the year 2016. To make effective strategies in marketing of the products, the department that is in char of marketing must make some improvement so that the strategies can be set in such a way that they ensure profitability. The table below shows the results of the revised strategies These decisions are majorly based on the cost, revenue and profits of the company. The main contributing factor will be profit margins as this is the unifying set of goals and objective

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Social Learning Theory - A. Bandura Research Paper

Social Learning Theory - A. Bandura - Research Paper Example There involves a wide rage of technical aspects that need to be focused and incorporated to achieve the very educational goals of the overall education system. According to Bandura, school must do more than just imparting knowledge in the same old traditional ways, which according to him do not have a thorough influence over the long-term learning of the students. Let the paper first analyze the key points that the Social Learning theory (Ormrod, 2007) revolves around and subsequently, will move towards specific aspects of educational systems that one should incorporate, in order to achieve the highest rate of development in the light of this theory. Social Learning Theory (Ormrod, 2007) primarily advocates the idea that the learning capability of people is because of their observations. When people observe some one practicing something and achieving any kind of results, they like imitating the person’s behavior after a sequence of cognitive processes. This means that imitatin g makes people learn and thus observation is the key element. Moreover, since behaviorist theory and other learning theories like cognitive learning theory also emphasize upon people’s learning due to their abilities of memorizing and retention; social learning theory can play a vital role as a bridge between these theories since this element is mutually found in the mentioned three theories. In addition, the factor of motivation has to be present to make the individual move forward in adopting a behavior and evolving his personality (Learning-Theories, 2008). Furthermore, there are three significant variables, Bandura has put his theory upon and integrated them with proper reasoning. As discussed earlier, firstly behavior is the key element of learning (Ormrod, 2007). The second most important feature is personal variable. The preferences of an individual play a significant part in making them distinguish between what they want to learn and what they should and what they do not want to learn and they should not. Every individual has their own area of interest with a set boundary of ethical values and mores. Imitation and observations are greatly influenced by the values that the individuals hold previously. Third important variable is the environmental events that take place. This incorporates the answers to questions like what kind of an event is taking place, how frequently and how much the recipient is involved. Thus, according to Bandura, all these factors have a collective effect over the personality development of the individuals (Frick, 1991). Educators play a significant role in making the students realize that all of them can learn anything at any point in time and in any stage of their lives. Since, every individual possesses different qualities and even each one of them has their particular bent of mind to learn according to their own capacities, the focus should be on the factor of motivation. Thus, educators should primarily try to bring a bout the motivation factor in their students at first because if motivation were not present, individual learning process would hinder a lot (Books, 2010). Secondly, educators must try knowing about the specific learning trends of every student. This connotes that some students are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and some learn through simulations and not by any other means. Once, the educators have a grip on these aspects, they can move on while focusing over

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Business Ethics - Essay Example This made it imperative that he contemplate first the possible consequences of his actions on others. There is no shortage of philosophical principles on the subject of ethics and their complexity has made it a key topic of discussion or debates among students, academicians, politicians and businessmen. The main purpose of the study of ethics is to enable people to be guided by their principles and to see to it that their actions are not only legal and moral but also ethical. This may seem like a superfluous argument but there are decidedly many fine distinctions between the various lines of ethical thought over the centuries, as propounded by the great minds of bygone eras. There are so many situations in real life where people are confronted with ethical challenges and a knowledge of some of the more prominent ethical principles can be of great help in looking for answers. Discussion Ethics has been applied in a number of areas such as politics (cheating and lying), medicine (abort ion, organ donations, surrogate motherhood, euthanasia), legal or justice system (juvenile delinquency, retribution, incarceration, capital punishment), economics (distribution of equity and benefits), environment (exploitation of resources, pollution, tragedy of the commons), society (race, ethnicity, minority rights), the military (gay rights, DADT, torture, assassination) and in business (corruption, bribery, industrial espionage, human resources management) and the list could go on to extend to practically all aspects of human life. Businesses today have to grapple with ethical issues as well, and this paper looks at how Yahoo, Inc. dealt with China. The moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher and thinker, has cast a very long shadow on the study of ethics. His thoughts have influenced several succeeding lines of philosophers even up to this modern day and age, because most of his arguments are cogent. A careful re-reading of his philosophy shows how these are st ill very applicable today, even with many situations not even contemplated yet during his time. An example is the rapid advances in medical technologies, in which man can play and act like God, in determining issues of life and death. Questions such as abortion, euthanasia, organ transplants and surrogate motherhood are just some of the issues that have to be settled by moral ethics in which Kantian philosophy can be put to good use in having relevant discussions and hopefully arrive at good decisions. Legal systems have not kept up with these advances in medical knowledge and technologies such that the laws currently in place are grossly inadequate and cannot provide helpful answers. Ethical issues and moral considerations have likewise presented new challenges for the business entities, especially with the advent of the globalization in trade and commerce. There are many situations in which firms operate in other countries, often with laws at variance or even contrary with the dom estic laws in their country of domicile. This situation can present a tricky business environment because higher management has to contend with conflicting demands from contradictory standards of what constitutes good governance and best practices. Oftentimes, it is left to the best discretion of senior management on the best course of action, navigating a sea of laws which can work well in one country but not in another country. Ethics has seeped into the world of business in the form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which provide guidelines on what to do in adverse or ambiguous situations without sacrificing profits. In the final analysis, there can be no clear-cut answers and it is better left to the best

Monday, September 9, 2019

A change in the price of a good causes a movement along the same Essay

A change in the price of a good causes a movement along the same demand curve or along the same supply curve whereas a change in any of other determinant of dem - Essay Example This is a very important determinant. Generally, a rise in income is associated with an increase in demand for most goods (normal goods) (Sloman, 1994). Examples are cars and other durable goods. Demand for some goods is unaffected by a change in income. For example, demand for salt and furniture is satiated above a certain level of income. Demand for some goods will fall as income rises (inferior goods) (Sloman, 1994). These are often the less expensive substitutes of another better quality good. For example, consumers reduce their demand for cheap televisions with fewer gadgets and increase their demand for expensive televisions with more gadgets when income rises. The ability to afford a good, especially expensive durable goods, will depend also on the availability of credit facilities. Another determinant that causes a shift in the demand curve is substitute goods (Dominick, 2003; Sloman, 1994). These are goods that can be used to replace one another to satisfy a particular want. Consumers choose among substitutes partly on the basis of their relative prices. Examples of substitute goods are butter and margarine, tea and coffee, and apples and oranges. These goods are in competitive demand fulfilling the same kind of want. A rise in the price of Good Y will tend to increase the demand for Good X that has become relatively cheaper. The two goods are substitutes if an increase in the price of one leads to an increase in the demand for the other. For example, if the price of tea increases it is expected that the demand for coffee will increase. The quantity demanded for tea is expected to fall. The third determinant that causes a shift in the demand curve is complementary goods (Dominick, 2003; Sloman, 1994). A good is a complement to another good to the extent that it is used jointly. The goods are consumed together (in combination) to satisfy some particular want. Examples are car and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

SWOT Analysis of Lesson Plans Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

SWOT Analysis of Lesson Plans - Assignment Example An immediate awareness of the shortcomings of anyone’s teaching can be achieved by the kind of review of actual lessons â€Å"after the fact† engaged in above. This is certainly a worthwhile and effective process, in line with the thinking of numerous writers in the field. A reflective, innovative approach is necessary (Hattie, 2003). Central to the practice of my teaching is a need to make decisions regarding the precise and exact intention of particular lessons. While I do believe that I want to achieve an inclusive, diversity-embracing classroom experience for students, the exact aims and outcomes of my lessons are sometimes not clear to the students, and perhaps not even to me. A clear and communicative statement of what we hope to achieve is necessary in every lesson and I will be sure to formulate this exactly in future lessons. I am of the opinion that it is essential to respect the originating cultures and identities of the ESL students I teach (see: Ashman, 2009, and others). Sometimes I do not achieve this ideal as the content I work with covers only the Australian experience – I believe this is so because I am concentrating on ensuring that my students become comfortable and familiar with their adopted culture. This is not a bad thing, but I do aim to provide more opportunities for students to share their cultures and identities with one another in class, while not neglecting the improvement of their knowledge and familiarity with Australian contexts. Tied to the opinion above is the idea that the content we are working with should be accessible to the students, and interesting to them within their experience. If they are able to connect the content we are dealing with to prior learning and earlier experiences and knowledge, I am certain their progress will be more effective (Davis, Sumara, & Luce-Kapler, 2008). My personal relationship with students and my interactions with them do, I believe, reflect mutual respect, and my acknowledgement and appreciation for their cultures, but it is also true that I could incorporate this attitude into the actual practice of my teaching, in line with UNESCO (2001) guidelines. It is difficult for me to release some control of assessment in the classroom: my instinct is to want to measure and grade student achievement myself exclusively. Yet, on the occasions when I do ask students to assist one another, and even to point out one another’s errors, they do manage to do so effectively. The incorporation of peer teaching is relatively simple for me; the incorporation of peer assessment is something I will have to work on. Black and Dylan (2001) encourage a highly interactive, dynamic assessment environment, which I would like to emulate. Timing is something which I also have to concentrate on. There have been occasions when the work I assigned to one group of student – for example the Beginner students – was complete long before I had finished with the other group of more advanced students. A focus on getting to know the learning pace and the learning style of each of my students is something I aspire to. Individualised learning is something a successful teacher must be able to come to grips with (Hattie, 2003). When students are paired up, and work together, or are given sufficient reading, with dictionary work tied to it, I find that there is enough time to get to each student, and to deal with differing ability groups effectively. This is, though, not always easy to predict.